Moms tend to be easy to please; they love photos of their families and grandkids, and just about anything practical or pretty. But just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it can’t be meaningful and even useful! After all, moms are the ones who pour all their time and love into other human beings, so let’s treat her nice.
Here are 8 great DIY gifts for mom that she is sure to love. Depending on your level of craftiness, there are options for all!
DIY Gifts for Mom #1: Mason Jar Mending Kit
This tutorial comes with a free printable for those cute kraft stickers. I love this simple sewing kit that every woman could use. If your mom doesn’t have much of sewing collection, but does need to do some mending now and then, this is the perfect little DIY gift for her!
DIY Gifts for Mom #2: Glass etched casserole dish
If your mom is anything like mine, she loves herself some casseroles. She also likes to bring casseroles to get-togethers and drop them off for meals for families in need. A personalized dish will ensure she’ll always get it back. You could also decorate or personalize a trifle bowl or other glass kitchen item with this tutorial. Check discount home stores like Big Lots or Home Goods for affordable glass kitchen items.
DIY Gifts for Mom #3: Block print poppy pillows
These pillows are so pretty. As always, Martha Stewart came up with a great idea.
DIY Gifts for Mom #4: Wood Photo Transfers
Pick up some wooden ornament shapes or blocks at your local craft store and follow this tutorial to transfer photos onto wood. These make great ornaments or just pretty shelf decor.
DIY Gifts for Mom #5: DIY Scrapbook Paper Frame
I gave these DIY frames to our parents last year for Christmas. Instead of using scrapbook paper, I used holiday wrapping paper to make it Christmas-y, and then I put a family photo inside. Voila! An easy DIY gift that moms will love (and they only cost about $2 a piece to make).
DIY Gifts for Mom #6: DIY takeout menu & coupon binder (with free printables)
My mom loves the takeout menu & coupon binder I made her. She is the coupon queen, and this binder makes it easy for her to keep all her food coupons and menus in one place. This tutorial comes will all the files you will need to print the labels and inserts.
DIY Gifts for Mom #7: Memorable photos in jars
I love this simple idea. Look for different glass jars and candle holders at the dollar store or craft store, and reprint some photos in black and white from your childhood or your parent’s childhood to put inside. It’s easy, but beautiful décor.
DIY Gifts for Mom #8: Book Planter
Source: TrendHunter.com
I happen to think that succulents make the perfect gift. And what could be cuter than planting one inside of a stack of books?
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