With a new year beginning, I have another opportunity to try and get organized and get things done! With a baby on the way and a toddler turning two next week (yikes!), most of the projects I want to finish center around completing their bedrooms, as well as my own, which is getting its very own crafting corner.
I’ve made a huge “to-do” list for myself and the Mr., and the following ten projects are ones that I pledge to finish this year, gosh darnit. I’ll let you know my progress; be sure and hold me accountable!
Project #1: DIY toddler bed
My 2-year-old is going to need somewhere to sleep soon since we need the crib moved into the nursery, and so I’ve been looking up ideas for a DIY toddler bed. It’s in our budget to make one versus purchasing one, and at the moment I’m thinking of a cross between these two. It’s got to be simple because woodworking is not something myself or the Mr. are experienced in. I’m pretty certain we can do it!
UPDATE 2/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #2: DIY toddler quilt
I love this quilt from Land of Nod for my daughter’s room. But since it only comes in twin (and I’m not willing to pay Land of Nod prices), I’ll be DIYing it instead. Here’s hoping it looks as cute as this one. Perhaps I can at least purchase the adorable pillows…
UPDATE 4/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #3: Underbed storage
We live in a fairly old house and storage space is lacking. Therefore, I’d like to create some underbed storage in my daughter’s room using old drawers and some small roller wheels (and a pretty paint color, of course). I’ll be keeping an eye out at garage sales and flea markets to find the right materials.
UPDATE: After we finished Mia’s bed, there wasn’t any room underneath for storage. So I’ve put this idea on the backburner for now.
Project #4: Play tent
Hopefully I’ll be knocking this one out this weekend… I’m creating a play tent for the corner in my daughter’s room. I’ve already got the materials, I’ve just been too lazy to do it… This one from Sew Liberated is my inspiration. Wish me luck…
UPDATE 1/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #5: Wall clouds
Since we aren’t allowed to paint in our rental house (which is a dream-killer for a creative mom decorating a nursery), I’m planning on using the good ol’ starch and iron method to put fabric clouds on the wall in the nursery. I haven’t tried the method yet, but I’ve read several tutorials with good results. I can’t wait!
UPDATE 5/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #6: Wood block bookends
I desperately need bookends in my daughter’s room, but couldn’t ever find any that I liked. These ones on Etsy gave me inspiration to make my own from wooden blocks.
Project #7: Typewriter table redo
I picked up an old typewriter table for $5 a while back on Craigslist, knowing it would be perfect for my soon-to-be tiny sewing corner. I still haven’t decided what color exactly I’ll be painting it, but the Mr. is going to sand the top this weekend, so I guess I better figure that out.
UPDATE 2/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #8: DIY wall ledges
I plan on putting ledges along one entire wall of the nursery to display books (another clever alternative for not being able to cover the white walls with paint). This tutorial says 8 foot ledges only cost about $10. If she’s right, then I’m in.
UPDATE 5/2012: DONE! { See the results }
Project #9: Hallway art
Alright, enough is enough already. We’ve lived in this house 2 1/2 years and I still have nothing on the walls in the hallway. In my defense, it’s not a very big hallway and we certainly don’t spend much time in it, but it does need some artwork. So I pledge to finally put stuff on the walls this year. I’m looking to make it a personal representation of our lives with map art from places we’ve been, photos from our wedding, and stuff for the kids.
Project #10: Pegboard sewing station
I’m losing a ton of space when I move my crafting/sewing station into our bedroom, so I’m planning on putting a pegboard over my typewriter table and going crazy with notions organization.
I’m exhausted from just compiling this list… thank God I have a year to complete them. Although most of them need to be done in the next 6 months before our baby boy makes his debut. Sigh.
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