I FINALLY finished updating my daughter’s room from a nursery to a “big-girl room” and I am thrilled to finally be showing it off (after lots of teaser posts).

My daughter, Mia, is closing in on the 2 1/2 year mark, and her baby brother is due in a mere 6 weeks, so it was time for her to have a more functional room for her age and to transition into a bed so we could move the crib into the new nursery.
We’ve been working on this room for a good 6 months… we had quite a few DIY projects to complete. After taking out all her baby toys and getting her more advanced things to play with (who knew kids grow tired of rattles at some point? … ), my first task was to create an indoor hanging tent.

I posted about it a while back, but since then I have updated it by adding a mini hula hoop up top instead of an embroidery ring. This really helped open it up and gave Mia more space inside the tent.
Above the tent hangs a collection of Dick & Jane images that were from my first baby shower. They say things like “Mommy sews. Mommy will teach Amelia to sew. Sewing with Mommy is fun,” and “Amelia will read. Read, Amelia, read.” So precious! The other frames hold vintage children’s patterns.

After the tent, my husband and I created plans for and built a pallet toddler bed for her. I am thrilled with how it turned out; it has space for her shoes, a spot for her to sit, and is low to the ground so she can hop right in.

Once the bed was done, we made a headboard with nothing but wood planks (leftover from the pallet bed), some nails, and some paint. I lightly sanded the edges in various spots to distress it a bit after painting. To hang it, we screwed two pieces of wood about 2″ wide (length was a little shorter than the length of the 5 planks) to the wall where the studs were and then nailed the painted planks right into those 2 pieces of wood. It was so simple and I like the industrial look of the nails, so I didn’t even worry about covering them up.

My final DIY task was to create a quilt and matching pillow for her new bed. I am proud to say this is the first quilt I have made start to finish! There were some definite hiccups along the way, but I learned a lot and am really pleased with the outcome. I was originally inspired by this quilt from Land of Nod (it’s no longer for sale).

There’s lots more to show! See Part 2, where I cover the other side of the room and all the little details!
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