I started decorating the house for Halloween this weekend, but was lacking some inspiration so, as usual, I turned to the trusty internet. I tend to shy away from hokey orange and black, skeletons, and fake legs stuck under closed doors, and lean more towards the classic black and white Halloween dΓ©cor. I came across some great ideas that I thought I’d share:

Source: Urbancomfort.typepad.com
Love the simple banner and the silver pumpkins!

Source: To the Moon & Back
Love all the Halloween pictures and the black bird!

Source: Country Living
These plates are gorgeous and really complement the pumpkins.

Source: Unknown
Love the newspaper valance!

Source: Dana Made It
I made some of these last year and put them up and totally loved them. She’s got some great photos on her blog, including some real bats that are pretty amazing! I don’t think I have the patience to cut out as many as she did though…
So, how are you decorating this Halloween?
P.S. You might want to check out my gallery of pumpkin carving/decorating ideas too!