This past weekend we finally had Mia’s 4th birthday party, even though her birthday was a couple of weeks ago. I think she prefers it that way, though, since it feels like we are celebrating her all month long! I started planning weeks ago (see my inspiration board here), but didn’t get to everything because I ran out of time. I planned to make a fabric or paper chain banner, but oops – didn’t happen.
This was by far the funnest party I have thrown for my little ones. There were a total of 6 little girls at the party, which meant less chaos and more cuteness. I focused my time on making tutus for each girl, as well as pom pom wands; I also prepped some crown headbands for them that we decorated together with jewels during the party.
The girls loved sitting around the table drinking juice from their plastic tea cups, eating their heart-shaped sandwiches, and – of course – devouring the pink cupcakes. Spare moments were spent playing with toys and Mia’s new tea set that I made her for her birthday, and the moms even got to chat a bit.
All in all, it was such a special day for my girl. I loved watching her be her girly, adorable self and interact with her little friends. She was absolutely thriving in the smaller environment (most of our past parties have been bigger in size) and I think she loved being surrounded by just the ladies.
Here are some pictures of the party details: