My little man is quite the drooler. It’s possible that at 4 months he is already teething, or it could just be that he’s one of those kids who’s going to constantly drool for the next few months. Either way, I pretty much need to have a bib on him at all times unless I feel like changing his soaking wet onesie every couple of hours. Did I mention he also spits up all.the.time.? Yeah, bibs also help protect against that.
When we’re at home, he wears the cheesy little boy bibs that are covered in dinosaurs and puppy dogs, but when we’re out and about, I felt like he needed something a little more dignified. So this weekend I made a few bowtie bibs. Now he looks distinguished regardless of what’s underneath.
I could have made my own bibs, but who’s got time for that? I purchased a three-pack of white bibs at JoAnn’s for $6.99, but my 40% off coupon brought it down to $4.19. I used scrap fabric and this tutorial from Kiki & Company to make my bowties. To be perfectly honest, I kind of just browsed to see how she did it and then winged it. The first one I made following her directions was a little bit big (the black and white dotted one above), so I made the next two smaller.
They were super fast and affordable, and seriously, how cute is my little boy? I just can’t get enough. Now if he would just stop drooling…
Linked to: Lil Luna