In addition to my top 10 DIY projects to complete in 2012, I am also resolving to continue organizing my small home in whatever way possible. We’ll soon be going from 3 to 4 in our family, and our space is ever-shrinking.
Here are some organization ideas I came across that I plan to implement:
Closet Organization:
Tights & Scarves

This is pretty smart. I currently have my tights and scarves rolled up in a drawer; but they are constantly coming undone, making a mess, and I forget what I have. Hanging them on a hanger and knotting them seems like the perfect solution!
Size Dividers

These are essential for nurseries and little kid’s rooms. They grow so fast and I usually have more than one size hanging in the closet; it would be helpful to quickly know what size is where. These are made from plastic CD dividers from the Container Store, 5 for $5. I am thinking there is another, cheaper way to do it, but haven’t come up with it yet… stay tuned.
Family Organization:

This may not be something I implement until my kids get older, but I know I will use it! I am a list-maker and a crazy cleaner. I can foresee myself making piles with all my kid’s crap (because I already do it with my husband), and having little bags or baskets with their names on them will give me somewhere to put my piles until they can take care of them. That way I won’t have to stare at the mess and can have a little sanity. I also like the chalkboard, because I like to write things down before I forget about them! The command station from The Yellow Cape Cod also makes it a pretty space with shelving and photos.
Jewelry Organization: Repurposed drawer pulls

I love the idea of using old drawer pulls for a jewelry organizer! They are perfect for earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, and they look pretty at the same time.
Craft Room Organization:
Thread or ribbons

This is the perfect way to organize my little extra pieces of ribbon and embroidery thread! Wish I had thought of it before.
Pegboard Storage

For my new craft corner, I’ve got to fit a whole room’s worth of items into a small corner (since we’re converting the craft room into a nursery). So I plan on getting a pegboard to organize all my little items. These ladies do a great job organizing their pegboards, and I was excited to read on Nest of Posies that their 2 x 4 ft board only cost $3.88 at Home Depot – now that is affordable organization!
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