I guess things have been busy in our house. I didn’t actually even realize it until I was cleaning off my camera the other day and realized we had Mia’s first day of Pre-K, Graham’s dedication and Graham’s 3 month photos all on there. Oh yeah, that did all happen within just the last few weeks… I was there, right?
Anyway, I thought I would play catch up with a little “life lately” post. So here’s what’s been going on…
[ 1 s t d a y o f s c h o o l ]
On September 3rd, Mia started her last year of preschool. Because she has a January birthday and began preschool at 2 1/2, she will have put in a full 3 years of Preschool before she reaches Kindergarten (such an over-achiever). The last two years have been more about the social aspect of school; learning to sit in one spot and listen to the teacher, learning to play with other kids and make friends, and just being able to be away from me and be her own little person. This year she is learning her letters and numbers and I am most certain she’ll be reading before we hit Kindergarten. She has an excellent memory, which lends itself well when learning sounds and site letters and words.

She was so excited to get back to school and see her friends. She is such a creative little thing; I wish that I had the time and energy to craft with her all day every day, but I simply can’t. So school offers her the chance to paint and cut and color – and I don’t even have to clean up the mess! She loves being there and I love that she loves it. Her sweet Christian preschool also teaches a bible-based curriculum, so she amazes me with the bible stories she is able to tell me. The conversations we have are getting more adult by the day and it both terrifies and excites me. I can’t wait to see what this little ball of energy will grow up to be.

I wasn’t too torn up about her going back to school (it was a long summer)…

[ g r a h a m ‘ s d e d i c a t i o n ]
On September 7, we dedicated our little Graham to the Lord in church.

Baby dedications are fairly common in non-denominational Christian churches and differ from baptism. There is no sprinkling of water, but more of a promise. At his dedication, we promised as parents to teach Graham about the Lord and His love for our sweet boy. We promised to be leaders and protectors both spiritually and physically. Our church promised to surround us with love, prayers and support as we raise Graham. One day, we hope that he will make the choice to be baptized on his own and follow after Christ with a burning desire in his heart. But first, we need to show him how!

This day was both special and extremely emotional for me. Being that Graham is our third child, he kind of got the short end of the stick (which I’m sure he’ll get used to) and I didn’t feel like I made as big of a deal out of this day as I had for the other two kids (enter mommy guilt). Mia’s dedication was at our house with friends and family – there were actual invitations, a big lunch spread, a white baptism dress… the whole 9 yards. Lincoln’s was at church instead of our home, but there were friends and family there to support us and we all went to lunch after to celebrate.
But Graham, poor Graham. I dug through a pile of hand-me-downs to find him an outfit the night before…. He didn’t have any family there since we now live out of state, though we did have some of our new friends there to support us. It was one of the hardest days I’ve had since we moved from California. My heart ached for our family and friends who weren’t there to celebrate such a joyous occasion with us. Sometimes the distance can be really hard. As much as we love living in Colorado, there are times when the loneliness creeps in a little and catches up with me.

But I had to remind myself that even though it was different than the dedications of his siblings and a little more low-key, Graham is loved no less. I know there are plenty of people who will be there to support and love him as he grows, aside from just his father and I. I am so grateful for the support that God has provided in our lives! And I am so grateful for this sweet this boy who melts my heart. Which leads me to…
[ a 3 m o n t h m i l e s t o n e ]
Graham turned three months old! Where did the time go? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was in the hospital screaming like a mad woman as I brought that little thing into the world??

I am so sad that he is growing so fast, but it is also a whole lot of fun to see his personality shining through. He is such a joy! Sure, he has his moments where he’s a pain the butt (don’t they all?), but for the most part, this kid laughs and smiles at me and his dad and siblings and just takes life with a grain of salt. He gets dragged all over the place as we pick up Mia from school, run errands, head to church, go to lunch… his “schedule” is a rough one, but he’s a trooper. If only he’d quite spitting up all over me… but how can I be mad at such a handsome little thing?