Here’s a little snippet from our Mother’s Day dinner on Sunday. We decided to take the morning to celebrate Mother’s Day at home and then meet up with our moms for a joint dinner at night. It ended up being perfect; I got spoiled during the day, and then we got to focus on our mommas later in the day. I would also highly recommend Mother’s Day dinner over brunch to save a few $$!

I realize I am wearing the same dress as I featured in last week’s What I Wore Wednesday post, but give me some credit for switching out the cowboy boots for some flats and adding a leather jacket! My options for dressing up are limited at this point in pregnancy…
In my hair, I wore the same ruffle fascinator that I wore to my baby shower, although you can’t see it in any of the photos.
I pulled out my faux leather jacket recently and have been wearing it on cold spring mornings and nights. It’s the perfect weight for the changing weather. A while back I wrote a post on how versatile faux leather jackets are, and what you can wear them with. I still believe this to be true and have had fun experimenting with it during pregnancy (even though there’s no chance of me ever actually zipping it up!). I also still hold strongly to the fact that you don’t have to spend a lot to find a great faux leather jacket; mine was only $35 at Target, and you can find plenty of similar options at Forever21 and H&M.
Anyway, back to Mother’s Day… Now that I’m a mom, I LOVE this day! Not just because I get a bit spoiled (and this year I’ll be headed to the spa for a massage thanks to the Mr. and his excellent gift-giving skills), but also because it’s a day for me to celebrate my kids and how lucky I am to be their mom.
Being a mother is one thing that I do address here on The Mombot from time to time, but I feel like I usually complain more than discuss the great parts of motherhood. There are obviously so many wonderful moments along the journey, so why is it so easy to focus on the difficult ones? Despite the times I’ve cried, yelled, and wanted to pull my hair out, have no doubt, I love my daughter and my son with all my heart and find so much joy in the day to day with them. I love my daughter’s curiosity, tenderness, and energy for life, and I can’t wait to hold my baby boy in my arms, cuddle with him, and watch him grow (it should be any day now!).
Can you remember life without your kids? It seems impossible once you have them in your arms. I love discussing with other moms that occasional moment of awe that most of us experience when you look at your child and can’t believe they came from you – a tangible representation of the oneness of you and your partner. What a beautiful thing it is when you stop and think about it!
I hope you were able to enjoy your Mother’s Day, whether you were celebrating you or your mom. Here’s to all the hardworking moms out there!