Another week has passed, and I’m almost officially full-term. I can’t wait to get this baby out! The weight of my tum-tum is really tiring me out (or is it chasing after a 2 1/2 year old that’s doing that?). Well I managed to get some pictures taken today of my little “basketball” as several people have called it. I know, it looks a little fake; but I swear, there’s a baby in there!
Today I was feeling a little bit country and threw on some cowboy boots with my dress to brave the 80-degree weather at the park. As I write this, I’m a bit sweaty after both endeavors. So please excuse the barely-any-makeup look.

Dress: Old Navy (my $8 find that I’ve worn in previous WIWW posts – non-maternity)
Boots: Roxy suede cowboy boots from back in the day
Necklace: Oh, Hello Friend