It’s cold and rainy here in Colorado. Technically it’s still summer, but fall is creeping up on us and bringing us a light snowfall in mid-September (what??). I’m already dreading the days of being stuck indoors with 3 kids and no where for them to run free…
So today I’m thinking about finding a project that they can do indoors that will benefit us all and keep us happy amidst the gloomy weather. I pinned a couple of these ideas a while ago for DIY watercolor art from your kid’s creations, and I’m loving the thought of putting them together. Not only will the kids have a blast doing them, but it will keep them occupied (read: mommy stays sane while trying to get some work done), and in the end, I’ll have a new piece of art to hang in our hallway. Everybody wins!

Now I just have to get a pot of chili going on the stove and a fire in the fireplace and this day will be a lot more cheery than originally anticipated. Perhaps you’re not so bad after all, fall.