It may only be mid-day on October 31st, but Halloween celebrations are well underway in our house.

As you may have read on my Facebook page, things have been a bit hectic around here lately… it’s been a week since my last post because I had houseguests staying with me over the weekend, I developed an allergic rash over most of my torso, my husband was out of town, and Etsy orders have been pouring in for Christmas cards (ya’ll are making me feel like a procrastinator with your early orders!).
Because I’ve felt like a chicken with my head cut off, I really wanted to slow down today and enjoy the holiday with my kids. So, we’ve got lots of fun things planned. We started with a party at Mia’s Preschool, which I dressed both kids up for and brought a craft for the kiddos to do during the party. After school, we came home and I snapped these shots outside. It was fairly warm today and I wanted to get a picture of Dora before she has to get bundled up. Of course, even though we weren’t rushed and I snapped about 150 photos, only about 4 of them were decent. Go figure. Why can’t 3 and 1 year olds just stay put? Don’t they realize mommy is trying to make memories??

As you can see, Boots’ costume is quite authentic – I made it in about 3 hours yesterday using a pair of footie pajamas as a pattern. Despite the quick turnaround and corners I cut, I’m pleased with how it turned out – just don’t look too closely at the details!

Dora’s authenticity stops at the tights (it’s too cold for just shorts), and I didn’t go as far as the yellow ruffle socks (where do you find yellow ruffle socks, anyway?) and white tennis shoes (why did Dora’s mom think white tennis shoes were a good idea for a child?). Oh, and Dora didn’t have sparkly hair, but this mom is cheap and went for the $7 wig that she had to trim and contained sparkled strands.

In a little bit, we’ll be headed out to Papa Murphy’s to pick up a pumpkin-shaped pizza for dinner, which will be followed by trick-or-treating, more photos, candy eating, and a viewing of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” Because this will be our first Halloween in Colorado and away from the friends & traditions of Halloween’s past, I am really trying to make it a special day for the kids.
I truly love that the magic of every holiday returns when you have children who are full of the joy and excitement that we seem to have lost with age.
I hope that your Halloween is every bit as exciting for you tonight as it was when you were 5!