I am still recovering from our weekend road trip, where we drove 5 hours each way to visit family. Although we had a good time, traveling that far with a toddler and a ten-week fetus inside you is no easy task. Luckily my toddler did quite well, and I managed not to barf in the car (I’m being overly-dramatic; luckily I haven’t gotten sick yet, although I am nauseous most of the day).
Anywhoo… I thought I would start the week with a really simple craft project that you can do in about a half hour. Although it’s quick to do, it will really add some panache (I love that word) to your walls. I’m talking about ribbon-covered clothespins, in case you didn’t catch on by the title of this blog…

This craft is as simple as purchasing some clothespins (check the dollar store for cheap ones) and printed ribbon (I like the rolls sold in the $1 bin outside of Michael’s – they only have a few yards on them so they are good for these little projects), and getting crazy with your glue gun. Simply cut the ribbon to size, and glue.

I have a small wall over my desk where I strung some twine and I use the clothespins to hang items of inspiration. The colored/printed ribbon really adds a lot since my walls are the boring-est color of tan. This is a great way to hang art too… it kind of goes along with my recent blog on hanging art without frames.

Do you hang clothespins anywhere in your house? I need some new inspiration!
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