…and now everything is green.
Like any other user will tell you, Pinterest is amazing and dangerous. I have gotten so many great DIY ideas from it; one of which was spraypainting my manzanita branch like this photo. I had already planned to paint my branch this weekend, but then I remembered a tutorial I recently saw about spraypainting vases and ceramics, so I gathered all the ceramics I was tired of and not currently using and went to town with the leftover spraypaint.
As a result I ended up with four matte green vases, one green pot, and a green manzanita branch; and I love them!

I plan to add to my green vase collection, and I also want to put a succulent in the mini pot (the only plant I can’t kill). After I took the picture, I remembered that I bought everything in above photo from the $1 section of Target (at different times). Talk about bargain decor!
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