Little girls and their…

It was 4 years ago that I became a mother for the first time. It was unplanned, earlier than expected and turned my world upside down. I had been focused on me; MY plans for MY future, MY dreams for MYSELF. And along came this little girl who needed me to be all about her. And it was hard. My husband still got to leave for work everyday, see the same people, have the same adult conversations – yet my world, my life was completely different.
There was some initial shock, some postpartum, but as time went on, I fell in love with my little girl. She has always been a bit of a challenge; she is our stubborn one, our poor listener, our “never sit still” child. But I am learning (even 4 years later) that she is also so many things that I wish I could be.
She is gracious and thankful – bursting with joy and appreciation and loud “Thank You!”s when she opens gifts.
She is full of energy and life, to a level that 10 cups of coffee would never bring me.
She is so creative, and I think one day she will reach beyond the natural creativity that I [ think I ] possess.
She is imaginative and smart. I was imaginative as a child too and I am sure that she gets this from me, but when I see the wheels turning in her head as she thinks things through, I am certain I was never that intelligent at her age. I know the future holds great things for her big mind.
She is nurturing and loving. She wants to cuddle and be on top of me constantly. I am not profoundly affectionate, but I wish that I was.
She is kind. She is beautiful. She is happy.
And she is mine.
I am so lucky and so undeserving to be raising such a wondrous little girl.
Little boys are great in their own right. But oh, those little girls. There is nothing quite like them.
Happy 4th birthday, Amelia Grace. I love you so.