Moving into a new place is a pain in the a**, but it can also be really fun when it comes to decorating. So far I haven’t hung anything on the walls because I have wall-commitment phobia.
I am a crazy wall display person; blank walls drive me nuts and something about stuff on the walls makes a house feel like home. So I’ve been desperately trying to figure out what to hang where, but refusing to commit to anything in particular. Thus, the walls have remained blank. This past weekend I decided it was time to get my butt in gear and hang SOMETHING, so I started in Mia’s room.
I realized it was a lot of fun to “shop” my existing artwork and random items to create new displays. Some of these were in Mia’s old room in California, but I decided to gather the thematic ones and create a little sewing display above her dresser instead of spreading them throughout the room. And perhaps I am trying to subconsciously plant a love of sewing in her, but that’s beside the point.

The vintage patterns were all found at a flea market back when I redesigned Mia’s room into a “big girl room,” and the “Mommy sews…” art (a nod to “Dick and Jane” books) was created by a girlfriend and and hung at my baby shower. Don’t I have the most creative friends??

The embroidery hoop was made by yours truly and used to hang in my living (it was originally created for Valentine’s Day, but I liked it so much that I never took it down). I also grabbed an extra measuring tape and some yarn that was in my sewing stash just to give it the display some finishing touches. I love the little plastic sewing machine that a girlfriend picked up for me for $2 at a garage sale; such a bargain.

All in all, I think I created a lovely little space. I guarantee that within the week the yarn will be unstrung and all over Mia’s room (you can see she already started on it…) . But for now, I will enjoy the view.