Alright, it’s time to get sentimental.
Lately I’ve been so touched and moved by the blogging world and this slightly intangible community that it has created for me. My “happy time” is sitting down with a cup of coffee in the morning and catching up on my favorite blogs. I read stories and get to know the women I stalk follow online, check out tutorials and get crafting ideas, and generally get caught up with my little corner of the internet.
I’ve never had a one-on-one conversation with majority of these women; and yet, I feel like I know them.
I have laughed with them… particularly the girls over at Ask the Duplex who cause me to nearly pee my pants at least twice a week. Have you read their blog? You should.
I have cried with them… like when I followed the journey of Kayla Aimee and her daughter, Scarlette, born prematurely. I didn’t know Kayla (I still don’t know Kayla), but was so moved by her story and cried every day as I read about the miraculous and sometimes heartbreaking moments (Scarlette is now a thriving 10-month-old).
I have prayed with them (and for them)… like when I read this post from The Mom Creative about her sweet friend Sara, sick and about to pass on to be with our Maker, and I cried for Jessica and Sara’s pain and prayed for them throughout the day.
I have entered contests with them, joined linky parties with them, tweeted with them…
The internet is an amazing thing. It allows us to connect with others in a way that would never be possible. I “know” so many inspiring women because of their blogs. I know their hearts, because they were kind enough to share them with me in a very open and vulnerable way (writing to a blank screen will do that to you).
I’m just feeling so thankful for this online community today.
So although you, the reader, and I, the blogger, probably have never met, I’m so glad you’re here, and I love your comments and our conversations.
I’m glad we’re internet friends.
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