I am exhausted. I decided last Saturday that this week I was going to potty train my daughter. I did about 15 minutes of research, settled on Fellom’s three day method, and dove in head-first on Monday (because once I set my mind to something I usually just run after without too much thought).
Any mom will tell you how difficult and draining potty training is. Regardless of how old your child is or how quickly they catch on, there will be accidents; you will be picking up poop on your rugs, wiping up pee on your floors, and coaxing your child to sit on the potty every half hour. Clearly it is much harder on the parent than the child.
I’m proud to say that my 19-month-old girl has been a champ, and by Monday afternoon was already going on command when I sat her on the potty – I considered it a huge accomplishment for her to understand what to do and how to do it when I sat her down.

Monday and Tuesday were full of accidents and frustrations, but by Wednesday my little nugget was accident free (including two one-hour outings!). I was so proud and so tired.
Fast forward to Thursday… I had a staff meeting at the church I work for and brought her with me. I was so wrapped up in the meeting that I completely forgot to take her to the potty at her scheduled time… she managed not one, not two, but three peeing accidents on the Pastor’s office carpet. Not only did she pee three times, but she walked around while peeing; so I’m fairly certain that about 75% of the office was doused in urine. Somehow, I still have a job (thank God for mercy and forgiveness).
I was feeling like a bit of a failure after that. I knew that it was my fault; I didn’t watch the clock like I should have, and then I became so frazzled as the accidents progressed, that I lost my wits. I should have been very attentive after the first time, but I think I took the approach of “Now that she’s gone, I’m sure it won’t happen again.” Sigh. Big mistake.
Anywhoo, regardless of her accidents, she was able to get back on track once we were home (not counting the one time she ran over to me and said “poo-poo” and I found a lump on the carpet… it’s still an accomplishment that she told me, right??). As a cloth diapering mom, I can’t tell you how great it is to change and wash fewer diapers… potty training is amazing.
While my daughter is doing well, she is not quite at the point of being able to tell me when she needs to go. I’m slightly fearful because on Sunday we are leaving her with both sets of grandparents while the Mr. and I jet off to Vegas for four days (hooray!). I can only hope that they will remember to take her to the potty and avoid the thrice-carpet-peeing accident. If not, I may be down a few babysitters when I return.

After this week’s events, I am soooo ready for a getaway. My husband and I will be relaxing and having fun in Vegas to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. As much as I love my little nugget (and will miss her terribly), I am so excited to spend some time with my husband and enjoy one another’s company. Between work and school, we don’t get to see much of each other and these getaways are so important for our marriage.
I am attempting to take a REAL vacation sans computer (gasp), so things will be quiet around here for a bit. I will return on Wednesday, however, for a super fun “What I Wore Wednesday: Vegas edition!”
Have a lovely weekend and start to your week, and I’ll see you soon (hopefully a much richer lady).