Father’s Day was fun and relaxing for us. We started the morning by giving the hubs his Father’s Day gift, headed to church, then returned home for naptime (for the baby, not for us, unfortunately). I forgot I had to make cupcakes, so it was a last-minute scramble to the grocery store and back home to bake. After lunch, we headed to my mother and father-in-law’s for a BBQ, and we hung out there for the rest of the day. My husband caught a nap, we watched the Dodger game, ate some yummy BBQ, and did basically nothing. All in all, I think it was exactly what my husband wanted.
Anyway, what I really wanted to blog about were the Father’s Day gifts I put together… (go figure).
For my husband, I decided to go with a “Real Men” theme (inspired by my “Real Men Have Kids” card), and I attached a “Real Men…” card to each gift I got him (i.e. hot sauce collection: “Real Men Like it Hot,” homemade lunch sack: “Real Men Pack Their Lunch,” personalized coffee mug: “Real Men Drink Coffee” – you get the idea). I gathered all his gifts and put them on a retro metal tray that I had.

I plan to blog later about the lunch sack I made him, because I really love how it turned out! It was more manly than any other I was able to find online, and he said he really likes it (win).
For my dad and father-in-law, we put together BBQ kits, complete with personalized aprons. The aprons were really easy; the blank aprons and iron-on letters were purchased at Michael’s. Since I don’t think tissue paper is very manly, I decided just to gather the contents of the gift in a brown gift bag and tie the card to the handle. I printed out the labels to decorate the bags from MarthaStewart.com, and the cards were from TinyPrints.com. I doubt my hard work in presentation really mattered to our dads, but at least I got a good picture out of it!

So, how was your Father’s Day? I can’t wait to hear how you spoiled the dads in your life! Hopefully, like me, you got a great shot of your child(ren) with daddy happy and smiling and… oh wait. Nevermind.