I’d like to take credit for this look, but I totally ripped it off from the Gap. It’s true and I make no apologies. The less I have to think these days, the better – for everyone involved. So when I saw this look on the Gap’s website, I ordered the dress during a 40% off sale and purchased some oxfords (which I had been wanting anyway) on Amazon with a birthday gift card for only $20 (beats the $60 price tag for the Gap version).
And the resulting look was pretty much what I had hoped for (though you never think you look as cute as the model, but oh well).

I love this dress because it is ridiculously comfortable. The gray skirt is made from a sort of sweatshirt material and the top is extremely soft cotton. Many days I have wanted to curl up and just take a nap in it. I justified the purchase knowing that I would most likely wear this several days a week (don’t judge me) during these last couple of months of pregnancy, and I was right. A practical purchase is a good purchase.

I am loving my new oxfords; especially because my feet are swelling a lot lately and ballet flats no longer fit. I haven’t been able to reach my toes for a few weeks now and I haven’t gotten to a nail salon, so sandals are NOT an option until I fix up my toenails. So I’ve basically been donning these little guys every other day. The bonus is they go with just about everything. They kind of make my feet sweat, but that is TMI and can be remedied with some insoles or little socks.
Do you ever rip off looks from stores? Tell me I’m not the only one.
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy’s What I Wore Wednesday
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