As I mentioned last week, I am in a bit of an overhaul in terms of my style for the new year. I am vowing to quit wearing sweatpants (you know, most days) and start dressing for the day – even if all I do is run errands or pick up my daughter from school.
The day I wore this outfit, it was to take my kids outside to play. That’s right, I wore wedges while I watched the kids run around. And I felt like a lady once again.

I am working on figuring out which of my normal clothes will work with my growing belly (which doesn’t seem to be many), but this shirt and cardigan fit the bill. I decided I should enjoy this tank while it still fits, which I am assuming won’t be long. I love open cardis like these because they work with any changing body type.
The jeans are, of course, maternity, because I’m not getting away with anything but elastic around the waistline these days.
There’s really nothing special about this outfit other than to say, hey look, I got dressed!

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy