Disclosure: I participated in this sponsored campaign on behalf of One2One Network. All opinions stated are my own. Full disclosure statement
It feels like summer just began. Is it really possible that it’s almost over?
Mia doesn’t return to preschool until after Labor Day, which makes summer feel a little longer for our family since many kids started heading back as early as mid-August. We are soaking up these last couple of weeks of summer sun and time with all three kids at home.
Although I am excited for Mia to get back into the swing of things at school and learn and grow in ways that she never would at home, I am sad for poor little Lincoln who will be at home all by himself without a playmate! Perhaps also a little sad for me, since I’ll be the one he turns to for entertainment…
But before we have to deal with that, we are ending our summer with Saturdays spent together as a family. This last weekend we headed to the “beach,” which is really just the reservoir in Boulder. It may be a little lamer than the beaches we are so used to in California, but the kids don’t really know any different and love it just the same. And I don’t have to worry about the waves overtaking them or sharks and stingrays (which is why I never got in the ocean – it’s my not-so-irrational fear).

The kids had a blast splashing each other, digging in the sand and playing catch with Daddy. Graham enjoyed sleeping in the shade of our tent, and he did quite well for his first beach experience!

While basking in the summer sun, I decided this would be a good time to try and teach Mia how to blow a bubble for the first time. She has just recently discovered gum, and to no one’s surprise, loves it – especially the strawberry-flavored gum from Juicy Fruit. I don’t let her chew it very often, but it makes for a nice treat. I like that it’s sugar-free and contains xylitol, which helps prevent tooth decay. And that totally makes it ok to give to her… right??

Honestly, I just love that gum has its own expiration; once it loses flavor, she spits it out; whereas with lollipops or hard candy she can be sucking on those things FOREVER – and that drives me nuts. Especially those giant round lollipops that never.ever.end. You know the ones I mean. Ugh.
Anyway, she thinks it’s pretty cool when mom and dad blow pro bubbles, so I started trying to explain how to do it.

It never occurred to me how hard it would be to describe how to blow a bubble… have you ever tried? It’s much easier to do than explain. So as we started trying to learn, she was patient, but also got frustrated as she accidentally spit out 3 pieces onto the sand (the “get it on the end of your tongue” part kept tripping her up and out it flew).

I discovered that the big pieces of Juicy Fruit gum are way too large for her tiny mouth (it was hilarious watching her try and chew it).
Luckily Juicy Fruit makes fruity chews now that are the perfect size for little ones, so we gave those a go.

It didn’t help her bubble-blowing efforts, however.

Poor little thing. She tried so hard, but eventually gave up. Maybe next summer, Mia.
Either way, those awesome pictures (especially that one above on the right where she admits defeat) are going in my summer 2014 scrapbook as another “first” and well-played attempt by our preschooler.
By the way, that hat – oh that hat. I didn’t pick it out; I wanted her to buy the cute fedora, but she wanted something pink. She’s got the taste of a 60-year-old.
How are you soaking up the last days of the summer season?