All month long, I’ve been posting photos on Instagram and Facebook that follow the prompts for the “Capture the Little Moments” series we’ve been working through. Being forced to take a photo-a-day has really allowed me to capture some things that I am sure I would have forgotten about one day – like, say, Mia’s first time having pinkeye, or the TV-induced quiet that comes with friday pizza/movie night with the kids.
I have found it harder to pull out my DSLR during this month, since my camera phone has been so convenient. But when I did, I was able to catch some lovely shots of my kids and to practice playing with lighting and perspective. And practice is so important if I am going to hone my photography skills, which is one of my goals for this year!
Here are some of my favorite moments that I captured this month (some posted on social media and some not)… and although the month is drawing to a close, I hope it won’t be the last time I challenge myself to get out my camera and take a picture of whatever moment we happen to be in.
If you’ve followed along this month, did you capture some moments you loved?