I meant to post this yesterday, but a last minute trip to the doctor put me behind all day long (it’s always something, isn’t it?).
Anywhoo, there are so many great printables and tutorials available right now that will help you make the gifts under your tree look gorgeous (and save you money in the meantime). I’ve been using them quite a bit myself this Christmas season. Here are some of my faves:
Gift card holder printable
I love this template that you can print out and use to make gift card holders from scrapbook paper. So easy and cute! If you’re fresh out of scrapbook paper, then just print these out instead.
Printable gift tags

The options for printable tags are endless and adorable! I am so thankful that I can print my own instead of purchasing them; that always seemed like such a waste.
1. Design Sponge
2. The Black Apple
3. Martha Stewart
4. Martha Stewart
5. Blog.Wantist.com
6. Bkids.Typepad.com
Homemade gift bows

Who knew gift bows were so easy to make? These ideas will save you from having to buy your own and give you some creative new ideas for alternatives.
1. How About Orange
2. Martha Stewart
3. For The Love of Blog Therapy
4. Craftzine